Start Help Right Away! Dial 9-1-1.

HEART ATTACKS: Be calm, try to keep the person comfortable and calm until help arrives. If the patient has medications they are taking, have them available when the firefighter/paramedics arrive.

SERIOUS INJURIES: Do Not try to move someone who is seriously injured. Keep them quiet and still until help arrives. Cover them with a blanket to keep them warm.

TREATING SHOCK: Have the person lying down, preferably not on the bare ground. Do not give them anything to eat or drink. Elevate the legs slightly if there are no head or back injuries and keep them warm.

BLEEDING: Stop bleeding by placing your hand over the wound and applying direct pressure. If possible, use a clean sterile cloth. Elevate the injured part above the level of the heart. Do Not use a tourniquet!

BURNS: Treat with cool water over the burn, then cover with a sterile dressing. Never put Vaseline or burn creams on a serious burn. Wait for the paramedics to arrive.

ENROLL IN A CPR AND FIRST AID CLASS TODAY! For more information on C.P.R. Classes or First Aid Classes contact the Mendota Fire Department at (815) 539-3434.